Friday, March 18, 2005

Hence the immense popularity of Tom Clancy's novels

What is known is that boys generally take longer to learn to read than girls; they read less and are less enthusiastic about it; and they have more trouble understanding narrative texts yet are better at absorbing informational texts

Rest is here.

A related note. A half century ago, the best seller lists were dominated by the quintessential manly male books-- Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer novels.
Statistically, Spillane was a phenomenon in a class of his own: his first seven novels still rank in the top fifteen sellers of the past fifty years. At one point, when they were all in the top ten, Spillane joked that it was a good thing he hadn't written three more.

Newsstands of the post-war era were stocked with an now-extinct species-- the male adventure titles. They were a far cry from Details.

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